
House Seats

Senate Seats

US House Seats

School Districts

Want to start making a difference?

The Oklahoma College Republicans are a network of college students spreading conservative thought on college campuses. If you’re interested in starting a chapter, please refer to the Find a Chapter page to ensure you don’t already have a chapter at your school.

If you do not have a chapter at your school, there are a few criteria you must meet to be a chapter. We have a Chapter Engagement Director that will help you with this process.

A chapter must meet the following criteria:
– Have a full Executive Team which includes a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer
– Have a Faculty or Staff sponsor
– Be recognized with your University/College SGA
– Have an approved constitution
– Have at least ten members

To begin the process of starting a chapter at your school, please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you.

Start A Chapter On Your Campus